Sale on canvas prints! Use code ABCXYZ at checkout for a special discount!


Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

Poster Prints For Fifteen Dollars For The Montgomery, Prattville, Wetumpka General Area

May 27th, 2010

Poster Prints For Fifteen Dollars For The Montgomery, Prattville, Wetumpka General Area

Save $10.00 off of the regular $25.00 price for poster prints by order now until 8:00pm May 28th.

Poster prints are prints sized proportionally to fit on a 17.30" x 11.25" format. They are printed on glossy poster paper.

Shipping and handling will be applied if other pick-up/drop off arrangements can't be made.

All prints take 21 days to arrive to me. Rush delievery fees apply. By the end of June you should have recieved your print if you ordered one.

contact for questions concerning this offer. Regular print prices are $25.00 if you choose to order at another time.

New Items For Sale For Tricounty Area Residents Of Montgomery, Prattville, Wetumpka, Alabama

May 11th, 2010

New Items For Sale For Tricounty Area Residents Of Montgomery, Prattville, Wetumpka, Alabama

New for sale for the Tricounty area of Montgomery, Prattville, and Wetumpka, Alabama
(Birmingham area residents will be considered for these prices, for all others - a shipping & handling fee will have to be applied):

Postcards: "Callaway: Bald Eagle"
Price: $2.50 per card tax included

Postcards: "Alabama: Fort Jackson"
Price: $2.50 per card tax included

Postcards: "Georgia: Cabin in the Woods"
Price: $2.50 per card tax included

Oversized Postcards: "Jasmine Hill Gardens"
Price: $5.00 per card tax included

Notecards: "Alabama: Creek Indian Village"
Price: $5.00 per card tax included

Notecards: "Georgia: Cabin in the Woods"
Price: $5.00 per card tax included

Notecards: "Fort Toulouse: Coosa/Tallapoosa River"
Price: $5.00 per card tax included

Notecards: "Alabama: Fort Jackson"
Price: $5.00 per card tax included

Notecards: "Jasmine Hill Gardens"

The Montgomery Advertiser

May 11th, 2010

The Montgomery Advertiser

Photo: Child Protect executive director Jannah Bailey and her husband, Bob, admire the work of artist Beth Parrish, an Auburn Montgomery art student, who painted a chair for the recent benefit evening held at ServisFirst Bank. (Contributed)

Charity auction helps
support abused children

Column by Deborah Hayes Moore • May 11, 2010

ServisFirst Bank graciously opened the doors to its
Commerce Street location recently to host the third
annual Chairs for Children event as a benefit for
Child Protect Children's Advocacy Center.

Patrons got the chance to support the great cause in
the downtown bank's lobby during a cocktail hour
that featured hors d'oeuvres and silent and live

Incorporated in November 1989, Child Protect is a
nonprofit agency that provides support for children
who are victims of abuse through the investigation
and management of their cases in a non-threatening...